

Props, Mixed Media, & Cosplay

BeetleJuice Inspired Mixed Media - papier mâché

Based on Tim Burton's 1988 film, BEETLEJUICE, I made a Barbara Maitland cosplay for Halloween 2023 this piece involved using photo references. The parts include papier mâché, ping-pong balls, foam pool noodles, and tempera paint.

Hamilton Calavera Box

This is a Hamilton themed Dia De Los Muertos Calavera box I did for the 2020 Beta Club mixed media competition. It earned second place in the competion. The materials included heart pine, oil-based paints, lacquer, Sculpey clay, wire, aluminum skeets, and paper.

Hamilton is an 2015 American Musical whose message is sung-and-rapped with biographical themes by Lin-Manuel Miranda.

The subjects are Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy, the Schuyler Sisters. The doors include the composed music for the scene depicted. They are burned after the British troops stormed the town. The background shows the Boston Harbor after the Boston Tea Party. The doors close to reveal the iconic Hamilton logo.

School Fountain Redux

The theater teacher asked me to create a replica of the fountain found in the courtyard of Pike County High School. This was no easy task, but it turned out pretty good. In the center, see the picture she provided me. Then you can cee the process come together with panels and pine boards. Foam padding was applied to improve safety of actors. The whole thing was wrapped with stone façade patterned cloth and painted to add texture.

This was for Pike's rendition of The Outsiders the 1983 American coming-of-age crime drama film directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

Eddie Bark, Vemonized Dog

This piece is based on the Marvel Comics character Venom. Venom was created by Todd McFarlane in 1988. Here we see the alien symbiote has infected our poor friend Eddie. He is morphing before our eyes. The bust is mostly Sculpey clay. Other materials included aluminum screen, repurposed PET plastic, hot glue, cloth, glass, and acrylic paint.

This piece won second place at the 2019 BETA Convention in Savannah, Ga.